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Treasurer's Office


If you are inquiring on tax, sewer or water information, you MUST fax over your request to:

(810) 686-9394 - ATTN:  Treasurer's Office

The Treasurer's Office WILL NOT respond to any e-mail inquiries or give any information over the phone.

You may also obtain tax information HERE (there is a small convienence fee if you are not the homeowner of the property)


Summer Taxes: Mailed out July 1st and are due September 14th of each year.  Taxes not paid by the due date are payable at the Township Hall, with additional penalties and interest until February 28th.  If not paid by that date, they are sent to the Genesee County Treasurer's office as delinquent.

Winter Taxes:  Mailed out December 1st and are due February 15th. Between February 16-28th, they are still payable at the Township Hall with no penalty or interest, however, the ONLY form of payment accepted are Cashier's Checks or Money Orders.  Payments not made by February 28th at the close of business are immediately sent delinquent to Genesee County Treasurer's office.

Postmarks are NOT accepted. If a payment is not at the Township office by the due date, it will be considered delinquent.  For your convenience, there is a drop box located on the front of the building if you are unable to come in during business hours.  When the due date is near, we strongly encourage you to not send your payment in through the mail, as it may not arrive at the Township in time.

Payment Information: 

Form of payments accepted at the Township are: Check, Cashier's Check or Money order only.

The Township does NOT accept CASH or CREDIT CARD payments for your tax bill.  Cash payments may be made at Independent Bank located at: 3500 W Vienna Road - Clio - only until the due date of each tax bill.

We do accept partial payments.  If a payment is not made in full by each due date, penalties and interest will still apply.  Please contact the Township for more details.

To pay by mail:  Please make sure your check is payable to: THETFORD TOWNSHIP.  Our mailing address is: 4014 E Vienna Road - Clio, Michigan 48420.  If you would like a receipt, please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope along with your payment and we will mail one to you. Postmarks are NOT accepted.  Your payment will be posted the day it is received.

To pay in person:  If you do not have your tax bill with you, we will print out a copy for you.  If you are unable to make it to the Township during business hours, there is a drop box located on the front of the building for your convenience.

Summer Tax Deferment Information:

Under MCL 211.51, certain property taxpayers may defer until February 15, without penalty or interest, the due date of the summer taxes on their principal residence, if their gross household income for the preceding calendar year did not exceed $40,000 and they are:

  1. 62 years of age or older, including the unmarried surviving spouse of a person who was 62 years of age or older at the time of death;

  2. A paraplegic or quadriplegic;

  3. An eligible service person, eligible veteran, or their eligible widow or widower;

  4. A blind person; or

  5. A totally and permanently disabled person.

Property that is classified or used as agricultural property may qualify if the gross receipts of the agricultural or horticultural operations in the previous year (or the average gross receipts for such operations in the previous three years) are not less than the household income of the owner in the preceding calendar year.

Persons applying for a deferral must certify that they qualify for the deferment on the Summer Tax Deferment Form.  This form must be completed EACH YEAR and returned to the Treasurer's Office in order to have taxes deferred without penalty in any given year.  Return the form to the Treasurer's office before September 15 to avoid a penalty. 


How can I confirm the payment was received?

If paying by personal check, please check with your bank first to confirm that the check has been cashed.  If you escrow your taxes, please check with your mortgage or escrow company.  As the taxpayer, you're liable for the tax payment.

If I send my tax payment by mail, how will I receive a receipt?

If you enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope with your payment, we will mail you back a receipt.  Otherwise, please use your canceled check as your receipt.

What if I did not receive a tax bill - am I still liable for the tax?

Yes.  If the tax bill is returned due to a bad address or name, as the property owner, you are still liable for the tax.  Not receiving a tax bill for any reason does not alleviate the tax burden.  If you have not received a tax bill or have received late bills, you should check with our assessor to confirm that they have the correct owner name and address for billing purposes.

How many tax bills will I receive each year?

You will receive two (2) bills each calendar year; a summer tax bill and a winter tax bill.

When are taxes due?

Summer tax bills are mailed July 1st and are due without interest or penalties by September 14th.  Winter tax bills are mailed December 1st and are due without interest or penalty by February 28th at the close of business.

NOTE:  All real property tax bills that are still unpaid at the end of February are turned over to the County Treasurer for collection on March 1st each year.

Is there a 'grace' period for late payments?

No.  State tax law does not allow 'grace periods'  For summer taxes, a 1% penalty is added to all unpaid tax bills on September 14th, at which time interest begins to accrue at the rate of 1% per month.  For the winter tax billing, the Township waives the penalty after February 15th, however, we require payment to be made by Cashier's Check or Money Order after the due date.  Payments can be made at the Township Hall through February 28th at the close of business.  All delinquent taxes after that time are immediately sent to the Genesee County Treasurer's Office.  Please contact our office for the current amount due if you are paying your taxes after September 14th for summer property taxes.

Do you accept postmarks?

No.  Summer taxes are still payable at the Township Hall after the due date, however, a penalty is added.  Any summer tax payment received in the mail after the due date that does not have a penalty included will be mailed a notice of the current amount due.  Winter taxes are due on February 28th at the close of business.  Any payment received in the mail or drop box after that time will be mailed back.  All delinquent taxes are immediately sent to the Genesee County Treasurer's office.

Do you accept partial payments?

Yes.  Starting the 2016 tax year, Thetford Township accepted partial payments.  If payment is not made in full by the due date, additional penalties and interest will occur.  Any amount not paid by February 28th will be sent delinquent to the Genesee County Treasurer's office on March 1st.

I did not receive my tax bill, how can I get a copy?

Call us at 810-686-5200 and we will mail you a duplicate tax bill.  You can also stop into the Township during regular business hours and we will print out a copy for you.

Who do I contact to change or correct the mailing address on my property tax bill?

Contact the Assessor's office at 810-686-5200.

How can I get a mortgage company's address removed from or added to my tax bill?

If you have an escrow account with a lender, mortgage company or tax collection agency, the escrow agent annually provides us with a request to provide them with a copy of your property tax bill so that they can pay the taxes from your escrow account.


My Mortgage company receives and pays my tax bill.  Can you mail an original bill to a second address?

A second copy of the tax bill is mailed to the property owner each tax season, summer and winter.  IT IS RECOMMENDED that you keep this copy for Income Tax purposes.  

Can I pay my Sewer bill with my Taxes?

No. Your Sewer account is a separate bill from your Tax bill.  Those payments cannot be made on the same form of payment.  

​© 2013 Thetford Township - 4014 E. Vienna Road - Clio, Michigan 48420 - Tel: 810-686-5200 - Fax: 810-686-9394

Terms of Use

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